I'm the mother of a preschooler!

My little guy had his first day of preschool today. We had observed in the classroom twice together, and he was ready to be on his own today. He hardly noticed when I left, despite me making an effort to get his attention and a hug to make sure he understood I was heading out.

On the phone with Grandma afterward, he proudly declared, "I went to preschool ALL BY MYSELF!" It appears the day went ok--I assume no news is good news and his teacher and the aides didn't have anything to say. His pants were dry, and he ate his whole lunch, and other than a circle time incident that seems to involve him laying on the floor to scratch an itch (I'm not sure... he reported it himself), it seems the day came off without a hitch. I'm hoping that when we get back from our two trips in September he'll be ready to stay the whole day, which primarily hinges on being able to keep his underwear dry during nap time (about 50% of the time right now).

When I got to the main ranch, I discovered that one of our dogs, Gus, had run the mile down the hill from our house and was waiting for me.  Apparently, right after we finished taking pictures, he took off chasing the car and thought to head us off at the ranch. He was bummed when I was the only one to get out of the car.


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